Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Physical Science B
    1.  Find the number of protons, neutrons, electrons for the following elements:
            a.    24  Mg

            b.    107 Ag

    2.  Whenever charges are moving for either an electrical discharge or flowing current, what type of charge
         is responsible?  Why is it that it must be these charges?

Quiz: Atomic Number and element quiz.

When finished we will continue to discuss electrostatics and electric fields

?Why does the pickle glow? 

Glowing pickle.

HW:  Activity, computer air hockey.  Use concepts of interacting charges and the forces between to complete the activity. 

Here is the link:

Physical Science A(Day 3)

    1.  Identify the steps of the scientific method.  Explain to your partner an example
    of a problem and the steps used to solve.

    2.  Why is the control groups such and important part of the experimental design     setup?

    1.  Identify and utilize the scientific method and experiment design to solve a scientific     problem.

Discuss the results of the coin lab(remember once it is graded, place it in your binder!!)

Discuss/Grade/Go over the Simpson's Activity.  . 

Hand out and explain the air plane activity.  This will incorporate the use of knowledge on
the scientific method and experimental design. 

Finish Airplane Activity, watch video on metric conversions

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