Monday, April 29, 2013

April 30, 2013

Physical Science B (Tuesday)

    1.  What are four problems that result from the use of any water related power sources?
    2.  Should the government be allowed to mandate the instillation of windfarms and windmills in certain     areas?

    3.  Explain the different ways that solar energy is used and collected

1.  Be able to list and explain the different types of fossil fuels used today.

2.  Be able to list and explain the different types of renewable energy resources options available to people.

Today, we will look at our biodiesel. We will be comparing it to standard diesel in terms of energy output.  To do this we will burn a small section of rope that has been soaked in the fuel and use the energy released in the bonds to heat water.  The fuel with the greatest increase in water temperature can be correlated as the better fuel source.

Finish renewable resources. 

HW: Your review will be handed out to work on after the lab.  Please work on this and we will go over them tomorrow.  We will also have a practice test tomorrow.  The test will be on Thursday. 

Physics B (Tuesday)

    1.  Why would large concave mirrors be a difficult sale to make as dressing room mirrors?

    2.  Why do certain laundry detergents claim that their product will make your clothes even brighter?

    3.  If black absorbs all light, how can we see a black shirt as black?

Let's go over the math problems.  Use the whiteboards.

Quick quiz, we will check to see how your studies have been going.

Discuss refraction of light. 

Demo, fish tank, coin in a cup.

Go over ray diagrams for lens.

HW:  Ray diagrams for the thin lens.
April 29, 2013

Physical Science B (Monday)
Welcome back after a sunny weekend

    1.  How are the different products separated from petroleum.  What is this process called?

    2.  Give a general account of how biodiesel is produced, be sure to include the name of the process used to     produce biodiesel.

    3.  Explain two common effects that result from the emissions of fossil fuels.

1.  Be able to list and explain the different types of fossil fuels used today.

2.  Be able to list and explain the different types of renewable energy resources options available to people.

I will put you into groups where you will work on the renewable and nonrenewable resource vocabulary packet.  As a group discuss the answers and make sure that as you fill in the material, you are understanding what you are discussing. 

Finish renewable resources. 

HW: Wrap-up the renewable resources.  We will work on the biodiesel tomorrow.  I will also hand out a review for the test tomorrow.  Plan on thursday being the test day.

Physics B(Monday)

    1.  Explain how light can be reflected from an object.

    2.  Where would an object have to be placed in order to form a virtual image in a mirror.

Discuss with you groups the questions given out on Friday.

Let's go over the answers to the questions given on Friday.

    -Go through a few of the demonstration that help to understand the effects.

Explain Snell's Law. 

HW:  Snell's Law, please so all the problems on the math packet. 
April 26, 2013

Physical Science B(Friday)

    None Today

Today is presentation and project day.   Each group will present their project to the class.  Remember that everybody in class has to present.  Everyone is nervous.  Just relax and have fun with it. 

When all the groups have finished, we will continue out discussion of renewable vs. nonrenewable resources.

HW:  Coninue working on the vocabulary sheet.

Physics B

    1.  Explain the difference between a virtual image and a real image.

    2.  How do the formation of the images formed in a concave mirror change as the object changes postition     relative to the focal point?

    3.  Make generalizations about the image position and orientation for a concave and convex mirror.

Go over the ray diagrams and the color lab.

*******Keep up on you WORK!!!!!!***********
Discuss practical application and uses of light and mirrors.

Group Explanation Challenge:
You will work in groups of three to explain all the items bellow.  Place the explanations on the information sheet.
1.  How do headlights work?
2.  Why is the sky blue?
3.  Why is the sky red at sunset/sunrise?
4.  Why do black lights make certain items seem to glow?
5.  How do fiber optics work?
6.  Why are diamonds so sparkly?
7.  Why can't I see Red bellow 20 meters of water?
8.  Why are some compact mirrors Concave?
9.  Why do store put up big convex mirrors in the corners of the store?  Why do some car side mirror have convex 
     mirrors on them?
10.  Why does water appear to be blue?  When I hold it in my hands it is clear.
April 25, 2013

Physical Science B(Thurs.)

    1.  No Bellwork!

Check and go over the homework.

Remember that you presentation and final product is due this week Friday.  This is a 30 point assignment, please realize that this is a fairly big assignment.  Be sure to delegate responsibilities to your group members.  Each group will pitch the product on Friday. 

Lab: BioDiesel.  Today we will make the actual biodiesel.  The goal/objective is to give you a hands on experience of how this alternative fuel can be made.  The second part of the lab will require you to test the biodiesel that you have made and compare it to standard. 

I will work with half the class at a time to make the biodiesel.  While 1/2 is making the diesel, the other half should work on the vocab terms from the packet yesterday. 

When finished, work on your project and presentation.


1.  Explain the difference between color by addition and color by subtraction.

2.  Explain why light can be considered a particle and a wave.

3.  What is a pigment?

Go over the homework from the past two days.  I will check and we can discuss. 

Discuss light and optics.

Go over ray diagrams.  Discuss how to draw, virtual, and real images.

HW: Ray Diagram packet
April 24, 2013

Physical Science B (Wed.)

    1.  What percent of the electricity produced is done using coal?

    2.  What is the biggest problem with coal as an energy resource?

    1.  Understand the difference between renewable vs. Nonrenewable resources.

    2.  List and describe examples of renewable and nonrenewable resources.

Check and go over the book problems

Discuss Nonrenewable resources.

Work on resources vocabulary sheet.

Continue working on your projects .  They are due Friday.

HW: Energy Packet.  Projects are due Friday.  Be ready to present!  It is not time to work on the projects when others

Physics B (Wed.)

    1.  What form of energy has a slightly longer wavelength than red light?

    2.  How does the speed of a radio wave compare to that of an x-ray?  Frequency? Wavelength?

    3.  Why do we see color?

Check and Go over the homework.

Discuss Colors, why we see colors, and the difference between pigments and light.

Color online lab/activity.

HW: Finish the sheet from yesterday and secondly finish the lab
April 23, 2013
Physical Science B (Tuesday)

    1.  What are the benefits for American's switching their dependence upon foreign oil, to a product that may     be produced domestically?  What are a few possible drawbacks?

    2.  List as many possible renewable resources that you can think of.  When you are finished, compare your     list with your partners.

Begin discussion of alternative fuel sources.

Please read chapter 9, sections 2 and 3.  Do the questions on pages 263.

HW: Finish the book problems. Continue working on your projects, at this point you should know what fuel source you are using and what type of project you are working on.  Secondly, make sure that you begin working on the presentation.  Even if you do not have the materials to begin working, at least have a plan of what information you are going to put into the presentation and what it will look like. 

Physics B (Tuesday)

    1.  Explain whether light is a wave or particle?

    2.  What is the primary difference between each of the forms of energy found on the electromagnetic     spectrum?

Discuss the different uses of the EM spectrum.
    -Get into groups based on the form of energy that you had thought was the most important.
    -Each group  needs to list/discuss the reasons why they had chosen that form of energy as the most     important.
    -Lastly, we will make a list on the board of all the different uses for the forms of energies on the     electromagnetic spectrum.

We will write all the uses for the EM spectrum on the board. 

Collect the papers.

Discuss light, electromagnetic energy, and color.

HW: review worksheet on light and color.
April 22, 2013
Physical Science B:(Monday)

    1.  Explain the difference between a renewable resource and a nonrenewable resource.  Give examples     of each.

    2.  Why is the statement "Fossil fuels fuel our lives, without them life would become difficult to     nonexistent" such an ominous statement?

Everyone will need to have out their research sheets that were required for homework on friday. 

Each group will work together to discuss the forms of alternative fuels that you have researched.  You will use this as our note taking time.  The goal is to get a variety of ideas from each other.  The more information that is shared, the better you notes will be.  At the end, we will pull the class together, discuss all the information that you talked about in the smaller groups.

Begin the Sales Pitch Activity.

HW: Work on the Sales Pitch Activity

Physics B(Monday)

1.  Which of the wave characteristic is related to the loudness of the sound.  What is the name given to the scale used to measure the loudness?  What are the units?

2.  What happens to the apparent frequency of a sound if the object making the sound is initially traveling toward you and then suddenly stops?

3.  What is the frequency range the typical human can hear?  What is it call above this range?  Below? 

Go over the doppler effect problems.

Go over the quiz.

Discuss Light and the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Research the various forms of the energy found on the electromagnetic spectrum.  Identify 3 uses for     each     form of energy.  Lastly, you need to pick the one form of energy on the spectrum that has made the greatest     positive contribution to the human civilization(visible light does not count!).  Back-up you pick with support.      The actual writing part of the assignment needs to be a minimum of one page.  

HW: Finish the 1 page assignment.
April 19, 2013
Physical Science B(friday)

    1.  What are some of the sources of energy that we use in our homes? Go beyond electricity.

    2.  How has energy for our personal lives become a very important topic for people today?

Discuss renewable vs. nonrenewable resources.

Assignment, you are going to do an internet investigation on alternative fuel sources for automobiles.  Look into what ideas have been proposed and tested in the past, what we are currently using, and what options engineers are looking into for the future. 

    1.  Need to list a minimum of 8 possible alternative fuel sources.

    2.  Explain what they are, how they are obtained, and renewable vs. non renewable.

    3.  Pros and cons of each source.

Assignment is worth a standard 10 pts.  like all other homework.  Extra credit will be given for each source past four that you find.  You may earn up to 15pts.

Physics B

Quiz today.  Answer any questions that you may have prior to the quiz. 

When finished we will go over the doppler effect problems. 

Finish the speed of sound lab.  We will modify the procedure to ease the process.  You will need to find the speed using 3 tuning forks.  To do so:

        1.  Find the resonant lengths 'L'. 
        2.  'L' is actually 1/4 of a wavelength adjust the # using the factor (.6r added to the length).  Find the         wavelength.
        3.  Use the wavelength and frequency to find the speed of sound.   
        4.  Compare the experimental speed to the actual
                V=331 m/s +.61(T)

        5.  Find the percent difference.
April 18, 2013
Physical Science B(Thursday)

Go over the test.  Discuss the questions missed by high percentage of the students.

Test Remediation.  Answer the questions that are correlated with the questions you missed on the test.  This is due tomorrow.

When you have finished the test remediation, please read chapter 9 in the textbook.  We will begin our discussion of the material tomorrow.  Be sure to read and take notes on the chapter.  It will help your understanding and of the material and will also make note taking in class a great deal easier. 

Big Questions when reading:
    -What are the differences between renewable and nonrenewable resources?
    -Where do our energy sources come from? 
    -How are they made? 
    -How much does each cost us? 
    -How long can we continue to use them?

Lastly, please do the questions on pages 263 and 276.

Physics B

    1. What is relative intensity?  What are the ranges?

    2.  What frequency range can the average human hear?

Go over the dopple effect problems. Grab a whiteboard.

Discuss resonance.

Speed of Sound lab.  For the lab you will work in groups of two. Each group will get two tuning forks.  We will take turns using the resonance tubes to take data measurements.  Please take your measurement, then step aside and do the calculations for the speed.   

HW: Finish the speed of sound lab.  Study for the quiz.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

April 17, 2013

Physical Science B(Wed.)

No Bellwork Today

Please take out your laptops.  Open up examview.  Log in and be ready for the password.

Please finish the home energy audit.  Turn it in after the test.  You should have filled in the spreadsheet and answered the discussion questions prior to today.

Physics B(Wed.)

    1.  Explain how a wavelength can be defined on a longitudinal wave.

    2.  Explain why a mechanical wave travels faster in a solid than in a gas.

Today, we will discuss sound and its characteristics.

Explain the doppler effect and the formula that goes along with it.

IF you did not finish the reflection lab, please do so now.  If you need to set up the target, please get that ready and I will test it for you.

HW:  Doppler effect problems. 

We will have a quiz over wave characteristics and sound on Friday.  Be sure to study.

April 16, 2013

Physical Science B(Tues.)

    1.  Why does electricity have such a dramatic effect on the human body?

    2.  What are two types of light bulbs?
    1.  Understand the difference between AC and DC current.  Be able to identify the sources of these two     types     of current and how they are produced.

Practice test over electricity.  Go over the answers and discuss any issues that we may have over the topics. 

When we have gone over the practice test, I would like you to make a list of the topics that you would like to have me go back over while we have time. 

HW: Study for the test over electricity. 

Physics B (Tuesday)

    1.  Explain how waves reflect off a surface.

    2.  What is the normal line?

    3.  On a plane mirror, how does the image distance compare to the object distance?

    4.  What happens to the wavelength of a wave as the frequency is increased?

Discuss reflection.

Go over the lab.  Discuss the results.

Calculate the speed of sound.  We will need to work as a team to get this done.  As a group we will need to combine data to solve.  We will need:
            a.  twelve timers
            b.  one cymbal crasher
            c.  three distance markers
            d.  one hammer person

HW: Finish the calculations on the speed of sound. Be sure to fill in the graph.  
Monday, April 15, 2013
Physical Science B(Monday)

    1.  What are some examples of safety devices found within a home?  How do they work?
    2.  How do we measure the rate that electrical energy does work?  What are the units?

    1.  Be able to identify what electric power is and how much everyday items use.

    2.  Understand the effect of electricity on the human body.

Go over power problems on whiteboards.

Discuss lightbulbs, physiological effects of electricity, and the history of electricity.

Today, discuss the home energy audit.  Everyone should have their log of hours.  We will fill in the log with the power consumption for each device.  Then, you will load the spread sheet, fill it in, print off, and answer the questions.

Finish the home energy audit and study for the test. 

HW: Answer the questions on the home energy audit, fill in the tables, and study for the test.  The test will be on Wed

Physics B (Monday)

    1.  Provide a generalization for the speed of mechanical and electromagnetic waves in a solid, liquid,     and a gas.  Does this rule always hold true?  Provide an example if possible.

    2.  Explain the difference between a transverse wave and longitudinal wave.  Provide examples of each.

    3.  What is the speed of a wave with a wavelength of 2.5 meters and a period of 5 seconds?

Check and go over the waves speed problems. 

Discuss wave interactions.

Reflection Lab:  The first part of the lab you will use the plane mirrors to draw ray diagrams that will allow you to determine the position of the image formed in a mirror and secondly to analyze the law of reflection.

Secondly, based on the knowledge gained, you will predict where mirrors must be placed in order to hit the target of the sheet.

HW: Answer the lab questions. 
Friday, APril 12, 2013
Physical Science B(Friday)

    1.  What happens to the resistance of a series circuit as light bulbs are added to the circuit?  A parallel     circuit?

    2.  What factors affect the resistance of a wire?

    3.  What happens to the net charge of a wire that is connected within a circuit?

    -Understand what factors are used to determine electric power. 
    -Understand how electric energy is calculated. 
    -Be able to identify how much various energy various household devices use.

Go over the OHM's Law problems.

Discuss electric power and energy.

Hand out and explain the power problems.

Discuss and work on finding the power usage for each item you have on your audit list.

HW: Work on the energy audit at home.  Finish the power problems.  We will check and go over these tomorrow.


Happy Friday!

    1.  Why are waves such an important topic to discuss?  How do waves impact our lives?

Check and go over the book problems assigned after the test.

Discuss waves, wave characteristics, and wave classifications.

HW: Wave speed calculations.  List and explain three examples of the 4 types of wave interactions.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Physical Science B
    None for today.

Get into your groups and continue to work on and finish the circuit lab. 

You should finish the lab on circuits by the end of the hour.  I will check your ohm's law problems during class today. We will check them and go over the answers tomorrow. 

HW: Finish the lab questions.  I will collect it tomorrow. 

We are planning on having our test on Wed. next week. 


Let's go over the test.  Discuss the results.

Take out the homework problems 15-26.  I will check and we will go over any difficult questions.

Observe the set up in class, then make observations about simple harmonic motion.

1.  What is simple harmonic motion?

2.  How does this set-up demonstrate simple harmonic motion?

3.  Why in the world are we making a set-up that has a mass on a spring, when the chapter is about waves?  What is the point or more importantly, what is the connection between simple harmonic motion and waves?

Discuss simple harmonic motion and wave characteristics.

HW: Simple harmonic motion packet.
Wed. April 10, 2013
Physical Science B(Wed.)

    1.  Explain the difference between a series circuit and a parallel circuit

    2.  What happens to the resistance within a parallel circuit when items are added?  What happens if they     are added in series?

    3.  Consider a situation where the three items where hooked up in a circuit but you had no knowledge of     how they were connected.  If you tested and found that the voltage at each device was the same, what     type of circuit would it be?  If you instead found that the current was the same for each device, what type     of circuit would that show we had?  What methods could you also employ to determine what type of circuit     was present?

1.  Understand and explain the difference between series and parallel circuits.

Check and go over the circuit diagrams.  Use the whiteboards. Discuss the results.

Hand out and explain the simple circuit labs.  You will be assigned to groups.

HW:  Pick-up and work on the Ohm's law problems.

Physics (Wed.)

No Bellwork Today.

Test over electricity.

When you have finished, please read chapter 14, take notes on the chapter.  Please answer the questions on page 386 (q's 15-26).

We are going to begin our discussion of waves, sound, and light.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Physical Science B
    1.  Explain the concepts of voltage, current, and resistance.  When you have finished answering the     bellwork, take a moment and explain this answer to the person next to you.

    2.  What factors affect the resistance of a wire?

    3.  Is resistance in conductors a good thing?  What happens to this energy lost to resistance?

    1.  Understand the factors that contribute to our understanding of electricity(voltage, current, and     resistance).

    2.  Explain what factors affect the voltage, current, and resistance within a circuit.

    3.  Understand and explain the difference between a series and parallel circuit.

Check and go over the Ohm's Law homework and.  Use the whiteboards to check.

Discuss series and parallel circuits.

HW:  Schematic diagrams.  Finish the schematic diagram packet.  We will check and go over these tomorrow.

Secondly, please continue to do your home energy audit.  These numbers are very important and all you have to do is track the time used and not used!

Go over the difficult questions from the review we worked on yesterday.

Practice Test

Go over the practice test. 

Discuss the physical effects of electricity on the human body.  Glowing pickle activity. 

Review the major points for the test tomorrow. 

HW: Review for the test tomorrow.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

Physical Science B(Monday)

Welcome Back!   

    1.  What is electricity?

    2.  How is electricity different than an electrostatic discharge?

    3.  What is Voltage?  How does it relate to charges associated with electricity?

    1.  Understand the factors that contribute to our understanding of electricity(voltage, current, and     resistance).

    2.  Explain what factors affect the voltage, current, and resistance within a circuit.

Review what was discussed prior to break.

Discuss voltage, current, and resistance.

Handout and discuss Ohm's Law problems. 

HW: Ohm's Law problems.  Also, we will hand out and begin the home energy audit.  We will explain this process and how you will begin.

Physics B(Monday)

Welcome Back!  Seniors you are on your downhill stretch now!

Today we are going to review all the material from before break and we will go over all the math problems. 

We will do group problems.  I have assigned groups:)  Nice try guys.

Each group will have a set of problems that they are going to work on.  Then they will be responsible for going back to their secondary groups to teach the process to the other members of the group.  At the end we will summarize and wrap-up.  Secondly, each group will be assigned a set of problems from the homework over break.

Tomorrow, we will have a practice test.....we need to get your minds back into the swing of things! 

The test will be on Wed.